School Uniform


At St Matthew's School we keep in mind the dignity of the human person and respect for the school in which we belong. Children at St Matthew's are encouraged to dress appropriately and take pride in their general appearance. Because we wish to foster community spirit and a sense of belonging, we expect the children to wear school uniform.Promo 1828853-[520092].jpg

The Uniform Shop is located behind the administration block at St Matthew's. Uniforms can be ordered online by using the QKR app. Uniforms ordered online are delivered to students within 48 hours (working days). Uniform Shop opening hours are advertised at the start of each year via the school newsletter.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Matthew's Catholic Primary School (2022).

​GirlsBoysSport UniformWinter Uniform

Years 1 & 2

Dress OR

Blouse with

Sport shorts

Years 1 & 2

Shirt with

St Matt's dress shorts

Or Sport shorts

Sport polo top

Sport shorts (embroidered)

 School Simply the Blest shirts may be worn on Fridays and House days.

St Matt's green jacket


Green track pants (optional)

Bottle green tights for girls

Years 3 - 6

Dress OR

Blouse with Culottes

Sports Shorts

Years 3 - 6

Shirt with

St Matt's dress shorts

Sports Shorts

#Please note St Matthew's is phasing out culottes and formal shorts

School Uniform all students Years P - 6
Black leather or black sports shoes

St Matthew's school socks


St Matthew's hat.


School Uniform - Prep Year (girls and boys)

St Matt's sport shorts

St Matt's red Prep polo shirt

St Matt's hat

Sandshoes black

St Matt's green jumper or jacket (embroidered)

St Matthew's school bags are compulsory.


  • Wearing the correct school uniform is a condition of enrolment. Parents must explain any deviation from this to their class teacher or in exceptional circumstances to the Assistant Principal Administration.  
  • No jewellry is to be worn apart from the following: a watch, plain sleepers/studs (with safety catches). Certain sports will require the removal of jewellry for safety reasons.
  • Hair is to be always neat and tidy. Designs or styles likely to draw attention or cause distraction are not permitted.  There are to be no shaved designs. Long hair is to be tied back off the face with the appropriate coloured ribbons or 'scrunchies' (green, gold or white) and fringes that obscure vision are to be pinned back.
  • Sports uniforms should be worn only on the days required.
  • Year 6 shirts should be worn only on Year 6 sport days.
  • ALL black leather shoes (NO COLOURS) are to be worn with the day uniform. ALL black sports shoes (NO COLOURS) can be worn with either. There should be no visible branding e.g., a Nike swoosh or the toe cover on a Converse shoe. They can be laced or have velcro or straps.
  • St Matthew's school socks must be worn.
  • During swimming lessons students must wear caps (ideally in their house colour), sun shirts and have towels. Bikinis or baggy board shorts are NOT permitted.
  • All clothing items are to be clearly labelled with the child's name

Uniform Shop Hours

​Monday: 8.15am - 9.00am

Wednesday: 2.30pm – 3.15pm